American Veterans Service Organizations & Patriotic Societies

Veterans Service Organizations & Patriotic Societies listed by War Period

Veteran & Patriot Internet portal for benefits, donations, education, genealogy, networking, and preserving the traditions associated with the culture and history of the United States of America.

American Veterans Service Organizations & Patriotic Societies (AVSOPS) displays geolocal-linked mapped battle map(s), troop movements and major events per each conflict and war period listed for a unique educational experience. Virtually going to all of these places, where these battles and events actually occurred is really an eye opening experience.

A comprehensive Directory of Veterans Service Organizations & Patriotic Societies organized by War Period

AVSOPS aims to foster historical preservation and the appreciation of our troops and the sacrifices they make to preserve the freedoms we hold dear living in the United States of America.

These United States Veterans Service Organizations and Patriotic Societies are the social networks of American Society.